Ketu Transit 2016 / Ketu Gochar 2016
Ketu in Aquarius/ Ketu Transit in Aquarius
केतु कुम्भ राशि में/केतु का राशि परिवर्तन /केतु गोचर 2016
हिंदी में पढने के लिए क्लिक करें

Ketu Transit is going to happen on 17 January 2016 around 3 PM. As the direction of its movement is Reverse Ketu will move from Pisces to Aquarius. After 17th Jan 2016 Ketu will be in 11th house & will be under the direct aspect of Jupiter. On the other hand combination of Jupiter with Rahu will create ‘Guru Chandaal Yog’ . While calculating the effect of Ketu transit on different Ascendants we cannot ignore malefic Jupiter. My article will help you to know the positive and negative impact of Ketu transit in Aquarius on different Ascendant.
Watch My Video on Ketu Transit
Aries : Ketu transit is going to happen in your 11th house creating ‘Raj Yog’ in terms of finance. At the same time we can not ignore the presence of Rahu with Jupiter creating ‘Guru Chandaal Dosh‘ and its direct aspect will divert your mind to wrong direction & will start handling situations diplomatically. You may feel attraction towards immoral deeds due to malefic Jupiter. Income graph may increase during this period but you have to be more cautious about the sources. This combination of stars is also not good for your children. Its better to be more attentive while taking care of kids. As said earlier mind will remain affected so is your education.
Taurus: Ketu Transit will going to take place in your 10th house. This transit will create ‘Raj Yog’ for you. Effects of this transit will include the diversion of your mind towards spirituality. You will participate in religious activities enthusiastically. You will definitely taste the success if working in social or political field. During this period you have to be more careful about your deeds as malefic Jupiter returns double results for immoral & illegal works. Be careful about your relationship with elders & seniors. Legal matters requires your more attention.
Gemini: Ketu transit will going to happen in your 9th house. However in Vedic Astrology Ketu in 9th house is regarded as very auspicious. This combination will give many good results, personality enhancement is one of them. Luck will shine more brightly during this Ketu Transit. All hurdles will vanish & you will find a smooth path in the journey of life. Natives of Gemini ascendant will definitely receive good news if associated with teaching or training proffesion. Auspicious time for people engaged in religious activities.
Cancer: Ketu transit will occur in your 8th house. In vedic astrology this combination is considered as harmful . You have to be more careful during this period as this transit will create disturbance in your health. Disorder in stomach or below stomach area will create problem for you. This combination of stars will make you more prone to accidents. Try to avoid situations creating danger to life and also keep distance from violent animals. Loss of some precious item is also possible during this period. Control over speech is must.
Leo: Ketu is coming to your seventh house. During this period combination of Rahu with Jupiter will create disturbance in your life. Malefic Jupiter is enough to create lots of ups & downs. Differences of thoughts with life partner, business partner or with your lover may arise. Your married or professional life may get worse if seveth house is already disturbed in your janam kundali. It is advisable to have patience & more tolerance to save your relations during Ketu Transit
Virgo: Ketu is coming to your sixth house. This will bring very good & auspicious change in your life. Financial status will definitely rise and will give you relief from old loans. Mentally you will be stress free. Success will be definite in illegal matters also . Opposition will not be able to stand in front of you if you are going through major or minor period of Ketu
Libra: Ketu transit will going to happen in your fifth house. This combination will increase your will power. You will not leave things incomplete. Enthusiasm will enable you to defeat all difficulties you are currently facing in life. Interest in spirituality will increase & that will lead to religious preaching also. You will also develop keen interest in social work, religion, family & occult science. Be careful about children as stars are not favourable for them.
Scorpio: Ketu is coming to your fourth house. This Ketu Transit will not be very beneficial for you. Health issues may disturb your life. Take every small problem seriously & consult experts immediately. Health problems of parents may also arise during this period. Your relation with parents needs your attention so it advisable to rejuvenate your bonding. Be careful in legal matters too.
Sagittarius: Ketu is coming to your third house. This planetary change will increase your physical capabilities. Your will develop tremendous will power during this period. These combinations of stars compel you to complete your tasks with more enthusiasm. Nothing seems to be impossible for you during the period of Ketu Transit. Direct aspect of malefic Jupiter will develop an intention to get your work done forcefully. Be sensitive about other’s feelings also & be careful about your behaviour that no one should be harassed by you during this period.
Capricorn: Ketu is coming to your second house alarming about financial control. The combination of stars will create great ups & downs in money matters. It is advisable not to take any risk in business. Huge investments should be avoided or if necessary should be under proper guidance of experts. More attention should be given to documentation & legal matters. Try to stay away from disputes & control over speech is necessary.

Aquarius: Ketu is coming to your lagna (ascendant). In Vedic astrology it is believed that Ketu is very effective in Lagna. Your will power will increase tremendously & so is your desire to get things. Combination of Jupiter & Rahu in seventh house will create problem in married life. It will be fruitful time for social workers & politicians. Ketu transit will also be beneficial for Traders associated with soil & grains.
Pisces: Ketu is coming to your twelveth house. This combination may create some problem for you. Unexpected sudden expenditures will fluctuate your financial graph. Unnecessary journeys will give stress only. “Lagna Bhang Yog” will suppress your will power & physical abilities. Tendency to leave things will increase if your janam kundali is affected by some malefic planet
Stay Blessed
Pt. Deepak Dubey
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